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Connecting the Unconnected Satellite Reach, Fiber Speed

High quality and reliable satellite connectivity

to underserved and unserved markets

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Fibra – Fiber Optics Internet Services and Installation

Introducing Fibra, a reliable and high-speed

fiber optics connectivity and installation service

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Global Reach,

Local Support

Dedicated team of engineers ready

to provide 24/7 support

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Meeting Customer Needs, on Land, at Sea, or in the Air

Extended global coverage catering for yachts, boats, aircrafts, and remote land areas

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Connecting the Unconnected – Satellite Reach, Fiber Speed

High quality and reliable satellite connectivity to underserved and unserved markets

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Fibra – Fiber Optics Internet Services and Installation

Introducing Fibra, a reliable and high-speed fiber optics connectivity and installation service

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Global Reach,

Local Support

Dedicated team of engineers ready to provide 24/7 support to ensure the highest QoS

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Meeting Customer Needs, on Land, at Sea, or in the Air

Extended global coverage catering for yachts, boats, aircrafts, and remote land areas

Who We Are

We have built the very first SES partnered MENA commercially open geostationary (GEO) satellite gateway and satellite hub to serve as a market differentiator for the MENA region and accelerate satellite technological trends through improving accessibility and time-to-market for the associated applications and services. To ensure the highest quality of service (QoS) and robust connectivity, we have partnered with the world’s leading satellite owners, operators, and service providers to capitalize on their collective expertise in the satellite market both in terms of geographical and application expertise differentiation.

Who We Are

We have built the very first SES partnered MENA commercially open geostationary (GEO) satellite gateway and satellite hub to serve as a market differentiator for the MENA region and accelerate satellite technological trends through improving accessibility and time-to-market for the associated applications and services. To ensure the highest quality of service (QoS) and robust connectivity, we have partnered with the world’s leading satellite owners, operators, and service providers to capitalize on their collective expertise in the satellite market both in terms of geographical and application expertise differentiation.

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