
SatMENA, partnering with SES, has built the very first MENA commercially open geostationary (GEO) satellite gateway and satellite hub to serve as a market differentiator for the MENA region and accelerate satellite technological trends through improving accessibility and time-to-market for the associated applications and services. To ensure the highest quality of service (QoS) and robust connectivity, we have partnered with the world’s leading satellite owners, operators, and service providers to capitalize on their collective expertise in the satellite market both in terms of geographical and application expertise differentiation.

Connectivity Solutions and Capabilities

We rely on the advanced adaptation of the DVB-S2X satellite standard in collaboration with Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), a technology which automatically modifies the modulation and forward error correction (FEC) of a satellite link to adjust for changes in link conditions caused by uncontrollable factors such as weather, in addition to changes in the RF environment. ACM is introduced into satellite networks allowing operators/users to provide near 100% service availability in the presence of link disruptions.

We capitalize on ST Engineering’s patented Mx-DMA® return satellite technology to enhance our offering and effectively distribute available bandwidth, achieving high QoS for all customers. Within the Mx-DMA® return link, each carrier is assigned to only one terminal, achieving SCPC-like maximum return efficiencies. Simultaneously, the flexibility of MF-TDMA can be maintained as Mx-DMA® allocates bandwidth based on real- time demand from each terminal and QoS profile. The entire allocation operation is performed seamlessly without any data packets being lost.

Alternatively, private networks become cost effective and the communication is fully within the enterprise’s sphere. Single hop connectivity between exploration sites, drilling sites, pipeline stations, labs, and management sites or headquarters allow best voice quality for phone, excellent real-time quality for data, fully automatic IP routing, and best video quality for surveillance and analysis, all at acceptable investment and operational costs. Agile network connectivity is enabled, without double hops. Our SCPC product line consists of versatile next generation modems for point-to-point connectivity optimized for a wide range of applications, achieving the highest possible efficiency at maximum service availability.

The network can then be seamlessly integrated with the IT environment of the company and still provide controlled interfaces to public networks. Point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-to-point connectivity, including automatic routing of IP traffic, make SatMENA the partner of choice for companies who have the need for a certain type of connectivity today with a forecast to future needs, achieving benefits and savings through simplified logistics, extreme system scalability and resources efficiency, flexible in topologies – from star through mesh to hybrid, – supporting SCADA, HDLC, and x.25 protocols.